Vitalizing Value in Life and the Collective

Imagining practices for a resilient relationship with Soul.

About the Work

The World is ensouled. Soul is all that is wholly knowable and wholly unknowable. The knowable holy and the unknowable holy. When we land in an embodied way in the embrace of this wholliness/holiness it feels as if we have come home to ourselves. We have fallen deeply in step with the sacred web of life. Soul is an intrinsic and eros-filled matrix of connection with the living world. Soul carries a reflective perspective. Because of this, Soul Ways are relational and allow us to deeply experience our existence in a valuable and meaningful way. Soul is natural and moves deeply in and through all levels of life. Each person has a definitive and personal connection to Soul which we are obligated to tend and cultivate. Soul Ways are this tending. They are generative, liberating, and creative, and they support a healthy psyche, body, and relationship to the natural world. Imagine living an ensouled life where every day your developing relationship to Soul creates a deeper connection with your Self, your ego, your culture, and the world. A place where resilience is supported and you can feel liberation in your bones – in the beat of your heart – all while stepping into the truth of your Being. At Soul Ways we collaborate with you to curate practices to support an intimate and resilient relationship with Soul. The way is personal, collective, cultural, and integrative. It is profoundly Soul’s way.

Welcome to Soul Ways

A large bird’s shadow overhead foretells its flight path directly above me. I look skyward. A mature bald eagle, wings stretched to their fullness, glides to the north across the creek, over the hill and out of view. I am quieted by their grace, the Eagle and the Sky, effortless and free. All of this is so curious and humbling. It is clear it is time to soar, for all of us. Soul Ways was dreamed into being as the life confluence of 63 years soared into view, calling me to step fully into the river of giving back. After over 40 years of finding value in the land and its inhabitants, including the people who steward and love it, and over 25 years of archetypal dream work, poetics, body work, and living deeply with nature, as well as a second education at mid-life in Depth Psychology, I found that Soul, and all it has gifted me, was saying “give back, make space, witness, listen, and collaborate with people in their Soul Work.” The guiding practice here is, no matter where you are in life, Soul’s value naturally permeates as a touchstone. Developing a relationship to the languages of Soul organically creates a regenerative innerculture that supports a Self-sovereign life which is precious, strange, exciting, mysterious, empathic, and loving. In this moment, Soul Ways has landed along your path. Welcome to the site and enjoy your time here as you soar though its pages. With gratitude and grace, Kim C. Bennett, Ph.D.

What We Create

At Soul Ways we collaborate and imagine with individuals, groups, and businesses to curate soul-based natural practices and experiences which support Self-sovereignty, liberation, and value in life and the world. The practices are Organic Regenerative Innercultural Work – the innerculture of Psyche, Soul, Spirit, and Body. Soul Ways facilitates and guides Soul Work based in imaginal ecological practices such as dream work, nature work, image work, body work, and poetics. The practices are informed by cultivating an inner landscape that is aware of the literal, psychological, and archetypal levels of life. Appraising the inner terrain, finding value with an awareness of personal, collective, and cultural horizons, allows for the practices to naturally unfold into meaning, empathy, and love. Through our offerings of online courses (in the works), onsite Soul Stays (coming summer 2024), or individual, group, or business private sessions, we create heart centered educational space for the unfolding of the mysteries of Soul.